Ames Lab Badges

Ames Lab Badges: Details and FAQs

If you're a contributor, temporary employee, graduate student, undergraduate student, or foreign national employee who has lived in the U.S. for less than 3 years, you'll get an Ames Lab Badge.

What you can do now:

More details about Ames Lab Badges

Do you need both a PIV Badge and an Ames Lab Badge?  If not, can I forgo getting the Ames Lab Badge and wait for the PIV?

You do not need both an Ames Lab Badge and a PIV Badge. If you are eligible for a PIV Badge, we recommend waiting until we notify you that it’s your turn to get one and continuing to use your ISUCard for identification and door access in the meantime. If you are eligible for a PIV Badge, you can get an Ames Lab Badge now if you want to, but you will still need to get a PIV Badge later.

I’m a foreign national who has lived in the U.S. for less than 3 years. What happens once I’ve lived in the U.S. for 3 years?

If you are a foreign national who has lived in the U.S. less than 3 years, you will get an Ames Lab Badge for now. Once you’ve lived in the U.S. for 3 years, you’ll be eligible for a PIV Badge, and the Badging Office will reach out to you to start the process to get one.

Will I have to get my picture taken?

Yes, you will have your picture taken for both the PIV Badge and the Ames Lab Badge. You’ll get your picture taken in the Badging Office. You are allowed to smile (and show teeth if you prefer) for an Ames Lab Badge photo. 

Is fingerprinting part of the badge process too?

No, fingerprints are not required for an Ames Lab Badge. 

Do I have to use a special badge holder?

Ames Lab Badges and ISUCards do not need to be kept in RFID-blocking badge holders (unlike PIV Badges). You'll receive a clear plastic holder for your Ames Lab Badge when you come to pick it up.